Fat Shrinking Signal

Product Name: Fat Shrinking Signal

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He was having drinks with his buddies on the back porch and must have forgot the windows were slightly cracked…

Ashley was inside nursing their newborn daughter as those hateful words rattled her brain and pierced through her heart…

And as she re-told the story, I could hear the pain and heartbreak in her soft voice…

“After my husband said that, I froze… 

I wanted to burst into tears…

How could the man I love more than anything in the world say something so terrible and hurtful behind me back?

Once my daughter finished nursing, I hurried into the bedroom and broke down sobbing..

Sure, I’ve gained a few pounds since our wedding day…

I mean…did I really let myself go that much?

Millions of Women Over 30 Suffer From This Hidden Hormonal Disorder That Keeps You Overweight, Weakens Your Heart, & Starves Your Brain. Discover If You’re A Victim Of This “Blood Defect” Below…

As soon as my husband came upstairs to bed after his “guys night”, I pretended I was asleep…

I couldn’t stand to see his face…

I wanted to leave him right then and there…

What if I’m overreacting?

Maybe he just said it as a joke to get a laugh from his friends…

It doesn’t matter, he should NEVER say that!

We’re supposed to be a team…

Then the questions started racing through my mind…

How long has he been saying this to his friends?

Is he fantasizing about someone else when we’re “together”?

Is he just keeping our marriage together because of our daughter?

I happened to overhear this one, but who knows… Maybe he’s been saying horrible things about me for years.

Then I came to the SHOCKING realization….

Can I even trust him anymore?

And as he flopped into bed and began snoring within minutes, I turned onto my side as the tears started to dry up and I started to really think…

Sure, my jeans feel a little tighter…

And there are a few pairs from before we were married that are so snug, I can’t fit in them without laying on the bed, sucking in as much as possible, and wiggling back and forth just to BARELY get them buttoned….

But that’s what happens when you get older, right?

I never expected to fit into my high school jeans after turning 40…

We get older and we put on weight, that’s just how it is, right?

And even though I despised my husband for saying those awful things about me…

Words that stung for days, making me feel insecure every time I walked in a room, like everyone was judging me with their eyes because of how I looked…

I could lose the weight that’s secretly made me feel insecure and self-conscious for years…

I could finally be the super-woman role model that my daughter deserves and could be proud of without second-guessing how I look every day…

And most important of all, I could finally feel like myself again…

Eliminating the depression and “beat yourself up” attitude that I’d been carrying around for far too long without really realizing it was there…

So the next morning, as my husband took our daughter to her grandparents house before our big anniversary night out…

Which was pretty much ruined at this point…

I decided to finally face reality…

I dug out the scale from the back of our closet and nervously stepped on it, bracing for the WORST…

And as the numbers flashed across the scale, my heart sank…

I was 134 on my wedding day…

Did I really put on 59 pounds in just 5 years?

My eyes started to swell up as my lips quivered…

And as hard as it is to tell this emotional story again, looking back it was the best day of my life…

Because it was the last straw that hurt so much it forced me to get my life back on track.

And it led to a SHOCKING revelation that saved my life, you see…

This Hidden Hormonal Defect Makes Weight Loss Impossible And Is the REAL Reason You’re Frustrated & Struggling. Continued Below…

Ashley has been a personal friend since high school and it wasn’t until recently that she told me the story about her now ex-husband…

And my jaw dropped the second she began describing that awful night…

Months later, she came to my fitness boot camp in Madison, Wisconsin looking for help.

You see, after that heart-breaking night, Ashley went to the doctor for a post-pregnancy check up…

And although everything was fine with her newborn baby girl, she got some terrible news of her own…

Because her weight ballooned up, there were pockets of fat putting EXTREME PRESSURE on her lungs, arteries, and worst of all she was diagnosed with Heart Hypertension…

Which is the #1 cause of death associated with high blood pressure and eventually leads to heart failure.

Keep Reading To Discover the HIDDEN Hormonal Defect That Leads to a 5x INCREASE In Heart Failure…Especially Among Women Over 30

This Mysterious Chemical Disorder STARVES Your Brain And Piles Up “Stress Fat” Around Your Belly

Maybe that’s why she felt sluggish, tired, and extremely unhappy every single day…

She tried to hide it after all she loved her baby girl more than anything in the world, yet a deep feeling of frustration and even depression after so many sleepless nights wore her down…

And even though she had this terrible condition that could force her heart to fail at any moment…

Her doctor just gave her a few bottles of pills and sent her on her way.

Like that was going to fix everything…

When Ashley got in her car, after buckling in little Emma in her car seat, she lost it…

She cried hysterically….

The happiest time of her life with a baby girl was supposed to bring her family together and now it’s leading her to an early grave…

And her high priced doctor IGNORED her pain just so he could check out early and get on the golf course before dinner while she was left suffering.

That may sound harsh, but it’s true…

In fact, I’ll prove it to you in just a moment…

First, Ashley’s life was spiraling out of control…

Her husband humiliated her to his closest friends…

Telling them how fat she got since their wedding day, and…

Her doctor discovered pockets of fat smothering her heart, lungs, and arteries even though she felt exactly the same as she did just a few years ago when everything was “fine”…

And now she had a handful of new pills to take every morning that cost a fortune and only masked the problem instead of solving it for good…

So Ashley pulled her herself together and decided to finally make a change in her life once and for all…

And she was able to piece together enough free workouts and diet advice online to come up with what seemed like a reasonable plan to lose weight FAST, after all…

Time was ticking and her heart might not be tomorrow, so there was no time for the “slow and steady wins the race” weight loss plan…

So she cranked up the cardio for an hour every morning and did some “toning” exercises at night with 5 pound pink weights she got at a discount sporting goods store…

I mean, she didn’t want to get big and bulky, so she kept the weight light and really focused on her legs, arms, and belly…

And instead of dropping weight fast and getting off her pain medication almost instantly, which she hoped for…

Her heart was CRUSHED when she stepped on the scale and realized she GAINED 3 pounds after the first week…

And after the first month, she went back to her doctor only to find out her Heart Hypertension worsened to the point where they had to give her aggressive medication to relieve the constant pressure on her heart…

Frustrated, confused, and at the brink of feeling hopeless, Ashley walked through the front door of my fitness bootcamp, and…

After a short talk, we almost instantly discovered the Chemical Disorder that NONE of her doctors told her about…

Which was the REAL reason she couldn’t lose weight no matter what she tried…

It turns out Ashley had…

Most doctor’s completely overlook this…

Because they’re only concerned about selling your more prescription pills and medications to keep lining their pockets while you and I struggle to pay their ridiculous co-pays and outrageous fees…

And it really pisses me off because Ashley struggled for MONTHS…

Risked her own health and the future of her baby girl…

Only to discover she was the victim of a silent chemical disorder that affects millions of women and men each year and nearly ALL of them go undiagnosed…

Leptin is your Master Fat-Burning Hormone and controls whether your body easily melts away fat…

Or hangs on to every last ounce for dear life…

Basically it’s a “Fat Shrinking Signal” that runs through your body and torches fat no matter what you eat or how bad your genetics are…

So when you have this signal “Turned ON” it’s like throwing a gasoline soaked log onto a heaping fire..

Your fat gets burned up quickly and you start seeing a flatter belly almost immediately…

In fact, it’s the SECRET all celebrities use when they have to look flawless and stunning for a big film role, the Grammy’s, or walking the red carpet at an exclusive movie premiere…

And along with burning TONS of ugly fat, leptin also tells you when to STOP eating…

Think of it as your “I’m Full” hormone..

However, when you’re Leptin Resistant, your body doesn’t recognize your leptin signals and they never reach your brain to tell you to stop eating…

And since your brain never receives the “Stop Eating Signal”, you naturally continue to eat hundreds of extra calories at every single meal thinking you’re still hungry when you’re really not…

See, your brain THINKS you need to eat more so you don’t starve to death…

And it thinks you need to conserve more energy, so it makes you feel LAZIER…

Which is why you’d rather sit on the couch and watch TV with a big bowl of ice cream rather than drag yourself to the gym for an hour of pure misery…

And that’s why it’s NOT your fault!

You’re a victim of a horrible hormonal defect that’s starving your brain while fattening up your belly, and…

According to Dr. James Lustig…

No one has ever told YOU about this…

Not your personal trainer…

Not your family physician…

Just think of it like this…

Think about the last time you went to the movies…

You’re excited to get out of the house…

Your popcorn has just enough warm delicious butter on it…

And at the last minute you remember to turn off your cell phone because the extremely annoying voice tells you to on the movie screen.

As you’re enjoying the movie, your daughter is driving across town to her friends house for a sleepover…

She’s excited with the music turned up so loud the whole world can hear, and she can’t wait to spend the night with her best friends…

Then as the light turns green a block away from her friend’s house, she steps on the gas and SMASH!

Some jerk runs a red light and smashes right into the driver side of your daughter’s car…

With glass everywhere, your daughter regains consciousness, and…

She uses all the strength she has to grab her phone out of her pocket, texts HELP in all caps to you, and desperately waits for a response…

But the response never comes.

You never get the message until you turn your phone back ON.

And by then, it might be too late.

That’s the same thing with Leptin Resistance.

Your body is desperately sending signals to your brain telling you to STOP eating and burn off the thick layers of fat smothering your heart, lunges, and arteries…

But your brain never gets the message…

So you keep eating and eating, digging yourself an early grave without even knowing it because these silent signals are never being received in your body…

You feel the same as you always have…

And then the next morning, you roll over in bed to turn off your annoying alarm and you suddenly clutch your chest because the extreme pressure and tension has finally become too much and your heart gives out.

It can happen out of nowhere without ANY warning.

Listen, it’s NOT your fault.

It’s a chemical defect that millions of people have WITHOUT knowing about it.

Your body is never going to burn fat and you’ll never get the slim, tight, and toned belly that you deserve…

And the pockets of squishy fat SMOTHERING your heart will keep building up day after day…

Until you turn your cell phone (i.e. your Leptin receptors) back ON for good.

Now, here’s a simple doctor-trick to know once and for all if you are suffering from this horrible hormonal disorder…

If you’re still reading this letter, then I can almost guarantee you are Leptin Resistant…

Which explains why no matter how hard you try…

No matter how many diets you go on…

No matter how many grueling exercises and workouts you do…

You can never lose weight as quickly as you’d like…

Sure, you may be able to lose a few pounds here and there…

Are you really happy with the results of all your hard work over the past few years?

Unfortunately no one told you WHY you weren’t losing weight…

So here’s how you can tell without a fraction of doubt if you’re Leptin Resistant..

Which will explain the YEARS of struggle and frustration that has unfairly taken over your life through no fault of your own.

Here’s what you need to do.

Stand in front of the bathroom mirror…

Place both hands on your belly and GRAB…

If you have a handful of fat in each hand, then you’re Leptin Resistant…

And you’re off the hook so you can finally stop feeling guilty and depressed about your weight…

You simply have a condition that was never diagnosed and properly treated…

You can turn OFF your Leptin Resistance…

Quickly activate your “Fat Shrinking Signal”…

And FINALLY start melting away the unwanted fat that’s been clinging to your belly for years WITHOUT any grueling joint-killing workouts or miserable low-carb diets…

And before you know it you’ll be sliding back into your “skinny jeans” from high school while you burn all your fat clothes forever as a sign of how much you’ve overcome.

A few weeks later, Ashley went out for a walk on a beautiful sunny afternoon with baby Emma smiling ear to ear in her stroller while shaking her favorite yellow & green rattle…

=> She hadn’t thought about her “weight” in months…

Every morning she woke up and slipped into a pair jeans that she hadn’t worn in years as her baby weight melted away faster than ever…

She didn’t even need to buy new clothes because everything she kept from her 20’s and 30’s was FINALLY starting to fit again…

Her boss who hadn’t noticed her for years and BARELY knew her name started complimenting her out of nowhere which filled her with pride and accomplishment…

She no longer had to wiggle herself into her jeans just to fit into a pair that made her look amazing and brought out her best features…

She felt lighter than ever before, with a sense of strength that she could protect herself and her baby at the drop of the hat if she needed to…

Her achy bones and joints felt rejuvenated and strong after ditching the cardio and high impact jumping exercises that left her feeling sore and miserable with ZERO results to show for it…

Yet most important of all…

Ashley felt like her old self again…

The fun loving woman who enjoyed hanging with her girlfriends without being worried that someone’s going to take an unflattering picture from the wrong angle and post it on Facebook for the world to see…

She didn’t stress over losing weight and becoming slimmer, it just happened once she got her Hidden Hormone in check…

And simply listening to her voice, I could tell how happy and amazing she felt…

Look, you deserve all of this and MORE..

And the easiest and fastest way to get there is…

There’s an extremely easy way to flip OFF this hidden hormonal defect in your blood and finally start burning pure belly fat again, and…

You can activate your Fat Shrinking Signal…

…that relentlessly attacks the billions of fat cells in your body and SHRINKS them down from the size of a golf ball to a miniature pea…

All by following a simple 10-minute routine that ANYONE at ANY age in ANY condition can do.

And don’t worry, you don’t even have to do this 10-minute routine every single day…

In fact, all you need is 40 minutes PER WEEK to melt away all your stubborn fat, reveal the sexy, lean muscle hiding under your skin, and be the glowing, radiant star in every single room you walk into from now on…

Hi, my name is Derek Wahler…

Yet my friends know me as the “Weight Loss Whisperer”…

…because I have a reputation of taking on the most difficult women and men who haven’t been able to lose weight for years and transform their bodies in just minutes right in their own living room.

And because my methods are so short and simple, it’s nearly impossible NOT to see results after just a few days…

And after receiving thousands of emails from desperate weight gain sufferers around the world in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and even 60’s…

I discovered one serious problem that was sabotaging everyone’s results…

Too much strenuous exercise…

Which led to uncontrollable inflammation in the belly and made it impossible to burn belly fat.

You see, your body naturally produces Inflammation Atoms when there’s too much stress and pressure from long cardio workouts or extreme workout DVD’s…

These Inflammation Atoms flow throughout your belly and form pockets that bind together and make your stomach stick out…

So if you look down right now and your belly is “sticking out” and hanging over your pants…

It’s because you have a massive build up of Inflammation Atoms…

That are now wreaking havoc on your internal systems and have already created a toxic environment that makes losing weight harder than winning the lottery.

You can instantly eliminate your Inflammation Atoms….

And REVERSE the fat-storing hormonal defect that’s made you a victim of being overweight for years…

And this quick story will tell you exactly…

When I started my online weight loss program a few years ago, Jennifer was my first member…

She was in her late 20’s…

And although most people assume someone that young must have a scorching metabolism and can eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce of fat, Jennifer was the exact opposite.

She was working 3 jobs, had an active social life, yet she always had an extra 15 – 20 pounds she was carrying around that wouldn’t budge…

Which is what brought her to me in the first place.

So I gave Jennifer a workout program for the first month, based on the 30-minute workouts I had used in person with my personal training clients and boot camp members…

The workouts were too long and strenuous.

See, she could join any old gym or boot camp and get a great 30-minute workout, but she didn’t have time for that…

With 3 jobs, she could only squeeze in a couple minutes here and there, and…

She needed help FAST because her doctor said she was on the fast track to cardiovascular disease and diabetes if she didn’t make some quick changes…

So after an emotional phone call, where we went over her ENTIRE daily schedule and I realized first hand that these 30 minute workouts weren’t possible for Jennifer…

I locked myself in my home office and took a long, hard look at what I was doing…

I prided myself on being able to help ANYONE get a flat and firm belly while making all their worst health ailments go away in a matter of months…

And sure, I knew there were plenty of super short workouts online and that they were nothing new, however…

After watching and studying hundreds of them, I noticed every single one was missing ONE thing that would deliver mind-blowing results…

Each workout was lacking the ONE key that switches ON your Fat Shrinking Signal and makes weight loss all but guaranteed…

And let’s just say this belly slimming secret lies in the order, angles, and intensity that you work a certain group of muscles and body parts…

Which 99% of fitness experts completely ignore.

So over the next few hours, I created a simple follow along body sculpting program based on short, 10-minute home workouts that INSTANTLY activate this powerful fat-burning hormone every single day…

And just a few short weeks later, Jennifer was down 15 pounds…

Many of you know that this year I lost over 15 pounds, and a lot of you have asked how. With three jobs this year, it made it extremely difficult to go to the gym, and one day, I saw a post from trainer Derek Wahler. He had come up with an at home workout that you do only 3-4 times a week, which also comes with meal planning.

This is how I dropped so much weight so quickly. He is great at encouraging and motivating you! He knows what he is talking about, and his program is so worth it.

Those of you who saw the transformation know what I mean. Not only was I needing to find my old clothes again because I didn’t fit into my current ones anymore, but then a couple months after that, I had to buy new ones as I didn’t fit into my old clothes either! Thank you Derek for making my dreams a reality!

Honestly, when’s the last time you had to THINK about tying your shoes?

You don’t…it just happens right?

It’s so easy, it’s automatic and just something you do every day…

That’s the secret behind the Dynamic Activation Training System…

Anyone at ANY age in ANY physical condition will…

And you don’t have to take my word for it…

Over the years I have tried various workouts and gym memberships. I had been working out on my own at Anytime fitness and felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere.

I would do my work on the cardio machines, had gotten into a great running routine, but I wasn’t getting the results I wanted to see. That is when I found Derek’s program!

I have a very busy schedule with varying work hours. With Derek’s short workouts I could get up early get my workout in and get started on my day.

I was doing the workouts 3 times a week and in the first two weeks I noticed a change! It was great to work up a sweat in such a short period of time. I continually felt challenged with each workout. I was stronger, started noticing more muscle tone and of course had way more energy throughout my day.

I felt great, even co-workers and friends saw a difference! Derek’s program fit great into my life!

Michelle Lucey, Hair Stylist

Trying everything imaginable and never being able to lose even a pound of fat is extremely frustrating…

However you are NOT alone…

We surveyed thousands of happy Flat Stomach Formula members to identify the “Last Straw” that pushed them over the edge to make a change that saved their life…

And hopefully these will inspire and motivate you to take action and re-claim your health so you will not only have a flat and firmer belly…

You’ll be able to add decades onto your life that you can spend with your family and children instead of leaving them too soon with a huge whole in their hearts…

You’ve tried losing weight before, right?

I’m sure you’ve tried all sorts of workout and diet programs over the years, yet there are still places on your body where you can grab handfuls of fat and you wish they’d just disappear, and…

Maybe you hate looking in the mirror….

Maybe you hide behind baggy clothes so you can APPEAR thinner than you really are…

Or maybe you CRINGE when you look at pictures from even just a few weeks ago, barely recognizing the person who’s smiling on the outside, but feeling hopeless on the inside…

Look, you are NOT alone…

In fact, everyone has what I call their “Last Straw” moment where you decide enough is enough and you’re finally ready to make a change…

So I wanted to share of few of the “Last Straw” moments from the thousands of women and men who have flattened their belly and taken their life back by activating their Slimming Signal in just 10 short minutes…

And hopefully they will help you realize that what you’re feeling is normal and there’s always a way out…

I looked back at old pictures with my family and friends and didn’t see ME anymore. I didn’t even recognize the person looking into the camera.

I’ve been overweight for years, but I was always happy…probably because I was always eating.

The last straw was when I went to the movies and couldn’t barely wedge myself into the seat.

A light went off inside me and as I was sitting there trying to watch the movie, all I thought about was how I’d spend the past 10 months just under 300 pounds, and two months ago I passed the line and weighed in at 311 pounds. I felt so disgusting I had to make a change.

My tipping point was being 212 pounds and my jeans were so tight I could barely put them on! I refused to go up another size and was like how could I let myself get like this?

That’s when I made a promise to myself and made my weight and my health priority #1.

My blood pressure numbers were through the roof. And ever worse, I saw, not just glanced at, but actually SAW what I looked like in pictures from Christmas.

I could barely recognize myself.

I went back and looked at pictures from our last family vacation and was mortified! I mean…I knew I’d been putting on weight – it’s hard to miss when you go to buy clothes and they keep getting bigger and bigger…

After that, I had a hard conversation with myself and said, “What am I doing?”…

That’s when I finally decided to make a change and never look back. My kids deserve the best possible version of me and I can’t let them down.

When the seams of my jeans literally tore apart, with only thin elastic threads holding them together and my fat thighs squishing out between.

And even worse, it was right before a work party…so I had to run home and change before anyone saw what happened.

So embarrassing and thank goodness because it finally kicked my butt into gear.

Uggggh! My size 17 jeans were getting to be too tight, my digestive system was chaotic to say the least, and my belly was constantly bloated like a pregnant woman’s.

I tried to “eat more vegetables” but with all the other crap I was eating, salads and veggies made my stomach feel worse. I was in a constant state of pain and was gaining weight every week.

Since “cleaning up my diet” obviously wasn’t working, I came across Derek’s site and it seemed so simple, I gave it a try.

Now I feel amazing and my belly is finally flat and firm instead of squishy and soft

And now, starting today you can use a rare combination of never seen before Body Sculpting Secrets… 

To FINALLY cure your Hidden Hormonal Defect that has kept  you overweight and unhealthy for years without even knowing it…

While you melt away the inches off your waist and thighs for good in the comfort of your own home FASTER than you ever thought possible.

I’m so excited to share this NEW total body slimming solution with you, so you can finally get the tight and trim figure you deserve without having to waste hours in a smelly germ infested gym or count a single calorie ever again.

The Fat Shrinking Signal is a 21-day home movement program that only uses your bodyweight to activate the most powerful fat-burning sensors in your body that have been dead and disabled for years.

And the magic lies in each unique workout that activates your Fat Shrinking Signal so you can burn off every last ounce of extra fat in just 10 short minutes.

Anyone at ANY age in ANY physical condition can do these movements, and…

If you make the wise choice and pick up your copy of the program today…

I’ll be giving you my PERSONAL email address so you can ask me questions, request modifications for exercises that are too difficult, and best of all…

You can easily use the Low-Impact alternatives to continue melting away fat even if you have bad knees, sore ankles, back pain, or tight shoulders.

Before doing the workouts, my life was kind of all over the place. I wanted to lose weight, but when I noticed that my weight wasn’t going anywhere, I became comfortable with just maintaining my current weight.

The biggest change/Challenge for me with your workouts was just pushing myself even when I really wanted to give up.  Now, I can breathe longer, go harder, and feel stronger.

I liked a lot of things about the 10-minute workout, but the number one thing I liked about it was the intensity levels, and also the convenience of not going to the gym and just working out whenever and where ever I wanted.

Today I feel better, my thighs do not rub against each other when I walk, and I’m more aware of what I am putting in my body.

Between school, work, and relaxing, this workout plan was a great way to keep me active, since I sit all day at my current job.

This follow along bodyweight program hits your entire body at a number of different angles so you can trim and tone every inch without suffering through the same boring routine every day…

Each workout builds on the previous one so you continue to increase your fat-burning metabolism while you keep your body guessing about what’s coming up next…

So you’ll NEVER suffer the dreaded “weight loss plateau” that’s so frustrating and RUINS well-intentioned people like yourself who are willing to put in the work but have unfortunately been given the wrong information from the so-called “experts”.

Here’s a small sample of how this revolutionary Body Slimming System works…

To begin burning fat immediately on Day #1, you’ll start with…

In the second short burst workout you’ll discover…

The third short burst workout builds on the first two where you’ll discover…

The fourth and final short burst workout builds on the last one to ignite your Metabolic Hot Spots and release a fierce fat-burning flame that feeds on belly fat and burns it up faster than ever before…

And in this short sequence you’ll discover…

And the best news of all for women and men over 30 is…

“I Haven’t Exercised in Months”

That’s the beauty of this 10-minute Body Sculpting System. You’re not doing long, grueling workouts that leave you sore, miserable, and unable to walk for days.

For the first few workouts, simply go at your own pace and take plenty of breaks as you ease yourself into the exercises. Then as you progress, you can increase the intensity for even FASTER results.

I’ve had women and men from their early 30’s all the way up to age 76 get in amazing shape with these short burst belly slimming workouts.

As I mentioned, men and women up to age 76 have gotten amazing results with these short, home fat-burning bursts.

That’s because each 10-minute workout is designed specifically to release a surge of Anti-Aging Enzymes that flood your body and help turn the back the clock almost overnight…

So after the first week you’ll be feeling years younger with endless amounts of energy and a newfound sense of youth.

“I Never See Results”

Unfortunately, most programs are more concerned about “being extreme” and have super hard workouts that they don’t care that 99% of people NEVER actually finish the program…

And I think that’s absurd, which is why I spent months crafting an easy-to-follow program that only takes 40 minutes PER WEEK, which means….

As long as you have 10-minutes here and there to flatten your belly and add YEARS onto your life, then you’ll easily be able to stick with the program and see amazing results…

Plus, with these unique belly-flattening bursts, you’ll start seeing and feeling results after the first few workouts.

“I Don’t Have Any Time”

I know you’re busy and quite frankly you shouldn’t have to devote an hour or more everyday to get in the most amazing shape of your life, in fact…

Exercising too long can actually ruin your results, put extreme pressure on your heart, lungs, and joints, while forcing your body to STORE more belly fat…

Which is why I created this system where you’ll only need 10 minutes right in your living room, bedroom, or basement to…

Sculpt your entire body, burn off the ugly fat that’s been clinging to your body for years, and unleash the fabulous new you that’s been waiting to come out for decades.

As I get older I’m finding my free time is limited and it’s simply harder to stay fit.

The workouts I had time for was basically just walking the dog and some running. I wasn’t getting much results, and struggling to maintain my weight.

Long Wisconsin winter’s set in, and getting motivated becomes a challenge. My husband, Chad and I also travel a lot, which makes it almost impossible to stay on track with diet & exercise. It was time to make a change, and FAST!

I tried Derek’s workouts and found it to be the change I needed. Mentally & physically. The best part is that they’re really short!

Just enough time in my busy, hectic life to sneak away and do something rewarding for myself.

The workouts tone & lift your body’s muscle quickly. Even my skin changed & became youthful. I feel stronger mentally and physically because of Derek’s workouts!

You’ll Finally SEE A Flat Belly That’s Firm to the Touch in 10-Minutes or Less

There are no one-size fits all rapid fat loss solutions and if you’re looking for some miracle quick fix that promises you’ll lose 20+ pounds in less than a week, I’m sorry…

And I know there are hundreds of programs out there promising you the world in terms of instant overnight results, however…

I prefer being honest instead of lying to you right from the beginning, so…

If you’re looking for a magic pill to melt away all your belly fat with ZERO effort on your part then I’m sorry, but is not for you.

If you’re willing to commit to just 10-minutes a few times a week, then you will see amazing total body transformation type results WITHOUT having to suffer through one more long, joint-killing workout or miserable “starve yourself skinny” diet…

And because you only need 10 minutes to get a flat and firm belly on this breakthrough NEW rapid results plan, you’ll be able to stick with it and finally get the body of your dreams…

No matter how hectic your busy days get.

I quickly built a reputation here in Madison of always charging nearly double what the other gyms and fitness bootcamps in town were doing, after all…

Which is why my sessions were constantly packed because my loyal clients were shedding weight so fast…

I wouldn’t feel right because I know that would prevent too many people from taking advantage of these 10-minute slimming secrets….

Which they are happy to do because they’ve literally wasted thousands of dollars on frat boy personal trainers who are only interested in meeting women and not delivering value and results to their members…

And it didn’t feel right in my heart to charge that much even though it’s a huge bargain….

For a limited time only, you can get the entire Flat Stomach Formula program with my patented 10-minute belly slimming bursts…

That will have you burning your fat clothes forever while you slide into your old skinny jeans with ease and reverse all your major health problems that will save you tens of thousands of dollars over the next 5 years…

Still, when I shared this with my wife Keri she immediately called me out and reminded me of my mission to help 1 million people lose 10 or more pounds by the year 2020…

And the truth is, she’s right.

Helping you is my #1 priority because the overweight and obesity epidemic in this world is raging out of control…

Which is why I decided to throw a…

In order to help 1 million women and men lose 10+ pounds by the year 2020…

I need to get these belly slimming secrets that are years in the making into as many hands as possible, and…

Giving it away for free won’t do you any good because you only value what you pay for and I actually want you to use these cutting edge strategies to get amazing results and transform your body and life, so….

Until the end of the month, you can get the ENTIRE Fat Shrinking Signal System with over 20 follow along home workout videos…

To  turn OFF your fat-storing “Feed Me” signal, SHRINK your stomach, and tone every inch of your body in just 10 minutes from the comfort of your own home, away from the intimidating germ invested gyms…

That’s it, 15 measly bucks to transform your life…

And more importantly, your family’s life after they see the amazing role model and leader you’ve become by taking full control of your own life…

However, you have to act NOW in order to receive this one time extreme discount…

Because it’s not guaranteed past today.

Act now and get the Flat and Firm Belly you’ve always desired by clicking the “Buy Now” button below and your special discount coupon will instantly be applied to your order.

You may still be skeptical that a simple easy-to-follow home Belly Slimming System that ANYONE at ANY age in ANY condition can do will deliver these amazing results…

I would be skeptical too and you’re smart to question everything before trying it out for yourself…

Which is why you can test out the ENTIRE Fat Shrinking Signal program while flattening your stomach with over 20 of the follow along home workout videos….

And you can even go through the entire program TWICE and if you don’t believe you got 10x the value of what you paid for…

Then I insist on giving you a 100% full refund…

Because you’ll instantly be backed by my No Questions Asked 60-Day No Excuses Guarantee…

Results Guarantee #1: ANYBODY Can Do It

This body sculpting program was specifically designed so ANYONE at ANY age in ANY condition can do it and get amazing results.

It doesn’t matter if you work out consistently or haven’t done a single exercise in years.

The total body muscle friendly movements rev up your fat-burning metabolism without the dangerous, high impact exercises that always leave you sore and even injured for weeks.

All you need is 10 minutes and your own bodyweight to get amazing results.

Results Guarantee #2: You’ll See Results FAST

You don’t need 30, 45, or even an outrageous 60 minutes to get in the best shape of your life and finally burn off the ugly belly fat that you’ve been carrying around for years.

Thanks to the BREAKTHROUGH Dynamic Activation Training discovery, all you need is 10 minutes a few days a week to visibly SEE a flat and firmer belly.

Results Guarantee #3: You’ll Have Fun and Stay Motivated

Most fat loss programs don’t work because you get bored and feel like quitting after just a few days.

And they don’t turn OFF your fat-storing “Feed Me” signal which is the REAL reason you haven’t been able to lose weight and keep it off for good…

Which is why no mater how hard you work, the results never come.

However, after you turn OFF your fat-storing “Feed Me” Signal…

And turn ON your #1 Fat-Burning Super Hormone, you’ll feel a difference after just the first workout and…

Since you’ll see results FAST…motivation will never be an issue. Instead, you’ll feel amazing as your belly flattens, the fat hanging over your pants disappears, and your love handles melt away forever.

If you don’t feel 100% satisfied with your experience over the next 60 days, just send an email to and I’ll personally refund 100% of your money with no questions asked.

Even better, you’ll get to keep the digital downloads, workout videos, and all the other materials you use as my parting gift to you.

I’ve already received hundreds of hateful emails and text messages from other fitness professions who are furious that I lowered my price so dramatically…

After sleeping on it, I vividly remember seeing a “sign” while I was in a deep sleep that reminded me why I’m doing all this in the first place…

Still, my competitor’s lawyers could come knocking at my door any day now and force me to take everything down because I’m just a small family company and have become a huge threat to their corporate foundation, which is why…

You must act now to receive instant access to these Elite Belly Slimming Secrets because I can’t guarantee this amazing deal will still be up tomorrow…

Melt Away Every Last Inch Of Fat And Get Your Flattest Belly EVER In Just 10-Minutes

When you’re on your death bed what are you going to regret more…

Following this proven path that is going to lead you to:

1)  An unbelievable total body transformation that can reverse all of your medical ailments without any dangerous pills, medications, or supplements while intriguing your closets friends to whisper in your ear…What’s Your Secret?!

2)  Endless amounts of natural energy that’ll have you bursting out of bed excited to attack each day so you can stop angrily hitting the snooze button while feeling exhausted every single morning before your day even starts…

3)  Looking and FEELING your absolute best every single day while SEEING a tight and toned reflection looking back at you in the mirror every day before you hop in the shower…

4)  An EXTREME sense of self-confidence and certainty that will carry you farther in life than even a Harvard education while allowing you to finally take action on your dreams and create the life you’ve always wanted but never acted on…

Will you regret knowing that you could have easily followed this simple path that has already been used by thousands of women and men worldwide to get a tight and toned body that’s firm to the touch and you let it go because you thought 19 bucks was too much.

Forget everything you learned on this page and continue living a life that’s left you unhappy, overweight, frustrated, depressed, and discouraged for years…

Which is unconsciously passed down to your children and other family members who absorb what you do without even realizing it.

You’ll simply go back to your normal life that’s left you searching for answers to a weight problem you’ve been ignoring for years without taking any action…

No matter how easy and simple the real solution is right at your very fingertips today.

You’ll take the information you learned today and try to implement it on your own.

You can also search the thousands of free websites and videos out there to come up with your own plan…

So you don’t have to part with the 15 measly dollars while you struggle transform your body all on your own.

Although if it were that easy…

Why haven’t you done it yet?

This Belly Shrinking System is so easy to follow there is NO thinking or confusion on your part…

You’ll know exactly what short burst routine to do on each day…

So all you have to do is Press Play on the video and follow along with me…

And in 10 short minutes you’ll be done.

We’ll go through the entire workout together and I’ll be giving you exercise modifications, so ANYONE at ANY age in ANY condition can do this…

And I’ll also tell you what days to rest, which is MORE important than the workouts themselves…

So you can rest and recover without burning yourself out…

And you’ll feel amazing and energetic every single day instead of sore and exhausted.

Right now, you can choose to let me be your personal coach and hold your hand as we go through this exciting Total Body Transformation journey together…

I’ll personally help you every step of the way…

So you can finally get the belly slimming results you deserve when nothing else has worked for you in the past.

When you have a proven system like this, burning belly fat and losing weight is NOT complicated or stressful…

I’ve been overweight for most of my life and working a desk job didn’t help.  Long hours and crunch time leads to poor eating, stress eating and just plain bad choices – caffeinated sodas were my constant companion during the hardest times.

I tried running and biking, did some stints with weight lifting in traditional gyms and tried to adjust my eating habits but nothing had ever stuck. I get bored easily with repetitive tasks. Ultimately I’d get tired of whatever fitness regimen or diet I was on and revert to my prior, unhealthy ways.

The last straw came over the summer when I stepped on a scale and realized I was up to 215 pounds. At 5’11” that put me well into the “obese” category and was the heaviest I’d ever been. I could see it in photos of myself and feel it in my day to day life. Stupid things mostly, like bending over to tie my shoes and realizing I could feel my belly getting in the way and making it awkward.

This workout program is the one that finally stuck – I was having so much more fun with the varied workouts and with Derek’s direct encouragement and help.

Since starting Derek’s program I’ve lost 26 pounds of actual fat!

I’m very thankful that I met Derek and that I decided to participate in his workout program!

Norman Nazaroff, 33 years old

Yesterday, a woman in Rhode Island lost her foot because she was fat.

I know that sounds harsh, but it’s true…

A sweet lady who was just 49 years old was so overweight, with an extreme case of diabetes that was relentless and never let up…

Cost the poor woman her foot.

The hearts of women over 30 are FAILING at a rate 5x GREATER than ever before because you’re under so much stress with your career, family, and your health…

Our children are growing up fatter than ever while being rewarded with food left and right…

So it’s no wonder why millions of kids are overweight before they even reach grade school…

Setting them up for a lifetime of doctor visits, painful health issues, constant bullying, and self-esteem so low it becomes a struggle to simply get out of bed in the morning…

However, YOU have the power to make a change and be the LEADER that your friends and family need to add decades onto your life while making memories that last forever…

You took the time to seek out the truth…

You’re the person they need to lead by example and show them how it’s done because they can’t figure it out for themselves…

You’re different and with this newfound opportunity to transform your body and your life in just minutes a day…

You have the power to make a change…

For the people you love most too…

And you’ll be celebrated as a literal Life Saver…but you have to choose to transform your own life first…

It’s never been easier…

All you need is 10 minutes and I’ll show you how to do the rest…

So you can eliminate the Stress Fat from your body once and for all while changing your family history forever.

The short-burst workouts were very efficient and appropriate for participants with various levels of fitness. They “pack a wallop” of fitness in a short amount of time, which appeals to people who have busy schedules.

I would highly recommend this program if you’re looking to lose weight and don’t want to spend all night at the gym.

PS – I’m a big fan of leading by example, so here’s a picture of me and my 1-year old daughter Elena after running a 5k race for Charity last summer. The good news is you won’t have to do anything that long and strenuous to get the flat belly you deserve.

In fact, you’ll be able to burn more fat and calories in 10-minutes with my proven fat loss formula than you would running a 5k race.

The key is hitting your body from a number of different angles while switching up the intensity to always keep your body guessing so you never plateau and ignite your metabolism to keep burning fat for hours after your short workout is over.

And the ONLY reason you haven’t gotten the body you desire is because these transformational secrets haven’t been released anywhere at any time before today.

PPS – If you continue on your current path and choose to do nothing today, the pockets of ugly fat will continue to build up around your belly while putting an extreme amount of stress on your heart, lungs, and arteries that could leave you being rushed to the emergency room at any minute without warning.

Yet, right now you can eliminate 99% chance of that happening while stripping away the unwanted fat that’s clinging to your body and busting out of your clothes in just minutes a day while only using your own bodyweight.

PPPS – You do NOT have to make a final decision today. In fact, you can go through the ENTIRE Fat Shrinking Signal TWICE and still ask for your money back if we didn’t provide 10x the value for what you paid for. Simply take advantage of our 60-Day No Questions Asked Guarantee if you’re unhappy in any way with the program or your results. All the risk is on me and you have nothing to lose.

Q: How does the program work and what’s so special about it?

Millions of women and men have a chemical disorder in their blood called Leptin Resistance. This basically means that your body sends signals when you’re full…

Yet when you’re Leptin Resistant, these signals get lost and never reach your brain…

Which is why you keep eating and piling on fat even when you’re not truly hungry. It’s because your brain is starving amid the lost signals.

Fat Shrinking Signal REVERSES this critical problem that’s preventing so many woman and men from losing weight with a series of super short bodyweight only workouts…

Which send powerful fat-burning signals to your brain while activating your Anti-Aging Enzyme so you can finally experience the feeling of having a Tight and Toned body looking back at you in the mirror in just 29 days.

Q: Am I too old for this?

If you’re over 80 years old then I would say Yes. Otherwise, no you definitely are not!

I’ve personally had women and men in their early 30’s all the way up to their late 70’s get amazing results with these short belly blasting workouts.

And this will work for ANYONE at ANY age in ANY physical condition because you control how much you do in each 10-minute burst.

As you improve, you’ll be able to do more in 10 minutes than you could when you started.

That’s commonly known as Dynamic Activation Training and it’s the key to getting FASTER results without adding extra minutes, sets, or reps to the end of your workouts.

Q: I want to lose 50+ pounds, will this work for me?

Yes, you’ll actually start seeing the number on the scale go down very quickly.

Likely after the first 2-3 workouts because these total body movements will provide and instant jolt to your system that wakes up your fat-burning hormones and puts them to work for hours after your short 10 minute workout is complete.

Q: What if I’m only trying to lose those last few pounds, will this still work?

Yes, that’s the power of Flat Belly Burst Training…

Since you’ll constantly be hitting your body from different angles and intensities, it’ll force those last few stubborn pounds to melt off even if nothing has worked for you in the past.

Q: Do I need a bunch of equipment?

No, in fact you don’t need any equipment.

This program is based on bodyweight only workouts that you can do right at home without having to go to a germ-infested gym or spend thousands of dollars on workout equipment.

All you need is a few feet of space to get started on your new Flat Belly journey.

Questions? Email us at

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Click here to get Fat Shrinking Signal at discounted price while it’s still available…

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Fat Shrinking Signal is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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