The SlimRadiance

Product Name: The SlimRadiance

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The SlimRadiance is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.


But the first words that came out of his mouth crushed my soul…

My face flushed with embarrassment… and I sat down there feeling humiliated….

“I’m NOT that FAT” – I muttered under my breath…

However, it felt like the Universe was making fun of me…

Because at that moment…When I tried to get up and leave… Feeling horrified by his comment…

I heard a loud cracking sound…

And before I could even react, the sound of wood splintering echoed through the restaurant, and the
sudden impact sent me crashing to the ground.

The chair beneath me shattered into pieces…

And in a moment I found myself laying on my back…

And I wanted nothing more than to crawl under the table and disappear.

Jim the doctor pointed at me and laughed as I was struggling to get up from the broken chair…

His laughter was like a knife to my heart…

The entire restaurant was buzzing with whispers and laughter.

…I got up, tears streaming down my face and just ran out…

But even though that moment left me with a painful and deep wound…

I’m so thankful it happened because it led me to…

Discover the root cause behind why I never got rid of the stubborn fat around my body no matter
how hard I tried…

You’ll discover how anyone, no matter their age, genetics or how many times they failed to lose
weight in the past…

Without running for hours on the treadmill ….

Without giving up on delicious foods like creamy cheesecakes, juicy burgers or chocolate lava

And without weird lemon or tea detoxes…

I know you’re sitting there… Thinking this is too good to be true…

But all I ask is that you keep an open mind…

Listen to the groundbreaking science…

And then decide for yourself if what I’m telling you is the truth.

So…I want you to take a deep breath… Remove any distractions you have around you…

And stay with me until the end of my story…

Because what you’ll discover will open your eyes to a whole new world that you never
thought existed

I live in a small town in Virginia with my two beautiful daughters Olivia and Grace…

I’m not a doctor, I’m not a personal trainer and I’m not a nutritionist…

I’m a normal hard working mom who discovered a secret celebrity weight-loss hack
melted my 72 lbs of nagging fat…

For years, I was the fat girl who struggled to get dates during high school… And the one who
felt out of breath during gym class…

It got worse after my marriage…

I couldn’t seem to shake off the extra 30 pounds that clung to my belly like a parasite after
both of my pregnancies…

The 30 lbs slowly turned into 40 lbs… causing my knees and back to ache with each step I

Then one morning I stepped on the scale and found out I had an extra 72 lbs of nagging fat..

Suddenly, all the times he pushed me away in bed, made sense.

I tried every single diet under the sun…Hoping to get rid of the weight…

I tried the vegan diet, the Atkins diet, the low carb-diet…

I tried keto, paleo, and intermittent fasting…

I tried counting calories and meal prepping on Sunday…

I tried weird tea and lemon detoxes…

As well as exercising and running for hours on the treadmill….

But my hard work always led to the same thing….

After a few weeks of losing a tiny bit of weight…

I would end up gaining it all back… twice as fast…

Which almost made me give up and accept I’ll be the miserable, fat mom
everyone made fun

See, despite my best efforts to lose weight, I kept rebounding each time…

Until one day I caught my Ex-Husband cheating on me with a much younger and skinnier-looking

Which shattered my heart into pieces and left me nothing else but to end our marriage….

Months later after my divorce…

My girlfriends kept pushing me to date again….

I tried to convince myself there’s a man out there for me…who would love me for the big curvy
girl I’m…

I finally mustered the courage to go on a date with this Doctor I met online…

I wore the only black dress that somehow managed to hide the excess stubborn fat around my belly
that made me insecure

As I walked into the restaurant, I saw him waiting for me at a table.

He looked handsome, charming and confident, and I immediately felt self-conscious.

As I took a seat…I couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes lingered on my curves….

And – I was NOT prepared for what came next.

He immediately crushed my heart with his comment…

Saying how I catfished him…And how FAT I looked…

Even though I tried extra hard to look beautiful for a night…

I tried to get up and run away…

But then the most unexpected thing happened…

The legs of the chair beneath me wobbled as I was standing up…

And in an instant, I was on the ground, staring up at the ceiling in disbelief.

Jim chuckled, biting his lip as he tried hard to keep from bursting out in laughter…

Everyone else at the restaurant turned to look and giggled…

That moment was the most embarrassing moment in my entire life…

And I knew If I didn’t do anything….

However, I’m still thankful for that day…

Because not long after, I discovered the root cause of why I never got rid of the excess weight
these years…

And most importantly, the one thing that worked for me to get rid of the 72 lbs of excess weight

That night I went home and drank myself to sleep…

However…The next day I woke up ready to do anything to end my weight problems.

“How to lose weight fast”

I found the usual tips that you’ve probably seen a million times…

But then… I stumbled on an article…

I searched to understand more…

And soon, I found myself on Tik Tok…

Looking at videos about how the beautiful and wealthy use this secret celebrity weight
loss hack to shed extra pounds all over Holywood…

Plus, how thousands of women of all ages and body shapes lost 20, 30 and even 100 lbs of
weight using this secret hack…

I got curious…seeing how these women were shedding pounds of unwanted fat in just a short amount of
time…Without diet or exercise

So I made an anonymous account and left comments under those videos… Desperately looking to see if this
secret hack could help me lose weight…

“I saw your comment on the video…I might have something for you”

I was completely desperate that I instantly responded back…

It turned out that by responding to that message…

I made one of the best decisions in my life…

Alexandra is a Celebrity Personal Trainer and Lab scientist specializing in

She works at the Medical Clinic and also helps private A-list celebrity clients in Hollywood
lose weight for movie roles…

I learned that Alexandra was partnering up with the best Endocrinologists, Doctors and weight
loss experts in the country to do a new secret experiment about the things that make us fat…

And how hormones inside the body cause us to struggle with weight loss…

I couldn’t help but tell Alexandra about my date night disaster…

I felt like she understood what I was going through…

Because she asked me if I was interested in being part of a secret experiment that…

We got on a virtual call where Alexandra explained to me that during her research…

She stumbled upon a breakthrough study from Japanese scientists that revealed weight
problems are not caused by genetics or slow metabolism….

And how going on extreme diets or running for hours on the treadmill can be

In 2022, scientists revealed the reason why you can’t lose weight no matter how hard you

Because it makes your body addicted to storing the food you eat into extra fat…

Dr. Andrew Huberman – a Neurochemistry Professor at Stanford University shared that when this “Fat
Fighter Hormone” isn’t blocked…

Your body can melt stubborn fat automatically…

One; Your body slows down gastric emptying in the stomach… Which is a fancy way of saying…

You can enjoy that delicious cheesecake, pizza or macaroni cheese and feel full for long hours after
you eat…

Two; Your body sends signals to your brain to get rid of your cravings…

Making you less hungry during the day and preventing you from overeating…

And the third and best part about this “Fat Fighter Hormone” is that according to Harvard2

It protects your heart, regulates your blood sugar levels and prevents your body from storing the
foods you eat into stubborn fat around your belly or hips…

Which means, when this hormone is not blocked…

Your body can break down the nagging fat stored around the belly, arms, thighs, and
love handles

All while keeping the weight off…So that you never rebound again….

Alexandra explained the reason why this “Fat Fighter Hormone” gets blocked… is because of two

Scientists at the University of Minnesota3 showed that when excess fat accumulates around

It gets stored deeper and surrounds your vital organs such as the liver, pancreas and

And since your intestines release this “Fat Fighter Hormone” called “GLP-1”….

The stubborn fat surrounding the intestines blocks it and makes your body struggle to
get rid of the

According to scientists at the University of Texas Health…4

As we age, our bodies stop releasing this “Fat Fighter Hormone” in the right amounts…

That’s why when you were in your 20s, you could eat whatever and still lose weight more

It gets extra hard to lose the excess blubber around the belly…

It is almost impossible for you to feel completely full after each meal…

Your brain struggles to send signals to remove your cravings…

And your body can’t break down the unwanted fat…

So if you’ve been wondering why it seems like everything you eat seems to stick to your waistline
like glue…

it’s because this “Fat Fighter Hormone” in your body is blocked

The scary part is, according to Harvard Medical School5…

When this “Fat Fighter Hormone” stays blocked…

You start developing dangerous conditions like Inflammation, high blood pressure
and heart failure…

Listening to Alexandra made me feel excited yet anxious…

Because for the first time in my life…I knew the reason why all my skinny girlfriends never seemed
to struggle with weight…

Even though they hardly exercised…

Even though they could stuff their faces with whatever they wanted like…

creamy tiramisu…. juicy grilled burgers.… crispy bacon… Every single day…

They stay fit, skinny, and healthy…

And the only way to get that tight, firm body of youth…

The one that allows you to eat anything you want, and not feel guilty about it…

Is to get to the root of the issue: the blocked “Fat Fighter Hormone” that makes it impossible to
shed those extra pounds…

I felt hope for the first time in years…

Because I knew if I could somehow unblock this “Fat Fighting Hormone” in my body…

The 72 lbs of stubborn fat that kept destroying my life would melt…

So here’s a brief explanation of how the super ingredients work together to get rid of
excess body fat quickly…

It has been praised by television doctor, Dr. Oz for its miraculous weight loss benefits.

A review published in the British Journal of Nutrition…showed folks who took Phaseolus vulgaris
nearly 22 lbs more than the group who didn’t take it!

But that was just the beginning…

Because another study involving 38 women over 12 weeks shocked the world.

Now this wasn’t a run-of-the-mill study…

This was a randomized double-blind and placebo-controlled study – the most accurate kind…

There were two groups… one that took Phaseolus vulgaris and the other that didn’t

The researchers found that the group who ate this celebrity weight loss hack lost over 700%
more weight than the placebo group…

Also, scientists from Colorado State University showed that taking Phaseolus vulgaris in specific
amounts reduced the buildup of fat in both the layer beneath the skin and the layer that
the organs8

Which is what you need exactly to unblock the “Fat Fighter Hormone” and start seeing stubborn fat
melt off your body fast.

During a study, scientists found out that Momordica charantia increased the “Fat Fighter
Hormone” inside the body by a significant 295.7%9

And another study published in the Nutrition Journal showed women who used Momordica charantia
reduced their waistlines significantly compared to the placebo group.

Which means that once you take this “Fat Fighter Hormone” booster in the exact scientific

You’ll get rid of unwanted weight easily, without giving up your favorite foods.

So you can finally turn back the clock and rock your hot clothes of your 20s.

And in another study from the University of Vermont…

Folks who took chromium picolinate had significant weight loss and reduction in belly fat
compared to the placebo group.

It’s been used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine and modern science finally
confirms how powerful it is.

In fact, in two different studies published in the Biochemical Pharmacology

Scientists discovered that Berberis Vulgaris significantly increases the levels of the “Fat
Fighter Hormone” GLP-1 inside the body…

And in one Korean Study, researchers found that using Berberis Vulgaris reduced appetite and
stopped the growth of new fat cells…

Also, another impressive study involving 37 people showed that…

Berberis Vulgaris helped participants lose 15% of their body mass index (BMI)

… That’s the equivalent of losing 4 to 6 dress sizes!

Alexandra told me her 12 celebrity clients tested this 100% natural weight loss formula to
lose weight…

Every single one of them got rid of their excess belly fat that had been
bothering them…

All without depriving themselves of delicious foods and without doing any exercise…

They didn’t want Alexandra to share it with the public…

Because most of them are tied to the mainstream weight loss industry… The one that’s worth 3.8
Billions of dollars!

Pushing expensive surgeries, fad diets and useless products that never deal with the root cause to
get rid of excess fat and keep it off…

“They’re not who I thought they were,” Alexandra whispered.

“It’s all a facade, a cover-up for their insatiable hunger for power and control.”

As she spoke, I felt a knot form in my stomach.

All the celebrity diets I trusted with my well-being, the ones I had believed had my best interests
at heart to help me lose weight…

…were nothing more than greedy elites, hoarding their wealth and influence at the expense of us…

“They want to keep everybody down, feel inferior and insecure so that they keep buying into their
lies and their products. They want everyone else to believe that weight loss is impossible, that
we’re not good enough unless we conform to their standards.”

Alexandra believed normal people like me and you should get access to this natural celebrity
weight loss hack…

Because she knows how it feels to be “fat”…

She told me her family members had a history of weight problems… .

I was more than happy to try Alexandra’s fat-burning formula…

She told me to take two capsules per day for the next 30 days…

Without making any change to my diet or doing exercise…

When the capsules arrived… I was excited to try them immediately…

Soon It became a part of my daily routine…

For dinner instead of the boring salad…I made my favourite dish…

A cheesy and creamy lasagna bolognese that transported me 30 years back to the warmth
of my
grandma’s house…

At that moment, I hesitated thinking about all my past failures…

How I wasted years of my life trying different diets and workouts without success…

Which almost made me throw out the bottle….

But then I remembered how my Ex-Husband cheated on me with a younger, skinnier-looking girl…

I remembered how they laughed at me at the restaurant….

But I decided to trust in the groundbreaking science Alexandra shared with me…

I threw away all the tupperwares that I used to fill with broccoli and boring, unseasoned rice….

The next morning, I woke up excited to jump on the scale…

And I was down almost ¾ pound…

Which wasn’t a lot… But an amazing start!

For the next week I took two of Alexandra’s “Fat Fighter Hormone” unblocking capsules…

I made eating food into a game…

Every day, I thought about 3 new meals I wanted to try…

I ate Spaghetti meatballs…

It was the best week of my life…

But to be honest… I felt guilty eating these amazing foods for the whole week…

I was afraid to step on the scale…

I started enjoying looking at myself in the mirror again…

Because each week I kept on dropping pounds and pounds of nagging fat so while stuffing
my face with every dessert possible…

My butt looked tight and firm… My cellulites vanished…

My knee, hip and back pain faded away as if I never had it before…

And for the first time after years…

I caught men checking me out in public…

My Ex-Husband, who was out of town for work, came after a few weeks to see the girls…

As I swung the door open, I saw his jaw drop as he stared at me.

It was a taste of sweet revenge, knowing that he never thought I could do it.

I can officially say that I have finally met someone very special…

Someone that I enjoy cuddling with and making love to…

And I feel loved everyday…Seeing how he can’t get his hands off me….

Some of my girlfriends couldn’t believe how I lost weight so fast that they begged
for my

Because she wanted to make sure this works for everyone… No matter if they’re 30 or 86… And no
matter how many times they failed in the past…

Alexandra wanted to do one last experiment to be sure that this is the real deal…

I asked if I could help her gather more people who feel frustrated with their weight problems.… As a
thank you for her changing my life….

We invited some of my friends as well as other moms at my daughters’ school…

And even though they were of all ages and had different body types…

They had to strictly fit specific criteria:

We had 41 people sign up…

The experiment ran for 2.5 months…

The exact duration I needed to get rid of all my 72 lbs of stubborn fat…

No matter their age, history, gender, metabolism, or genetics…

With a few women losing over 60 lbs in just a short time!

It was amazing seeing all their faces age 20 years back…

Many of them needed a completely new wardrobe…

The only thing they had to do was take two celebrity weight loss capsules at
any time they
wanted during the day…

After noticing every one of the moms and my friends get rid of the unwanted fat they had…

I begged Alexandra to let me help her share this fat-melting formula with every woman who needed

I figured my embarrassing story could inspire the women who find it hard to lose weight…

Finally, take control of their weight…

Which is why I’m sharing this incredible discovery with you here today.

I want YOU to be the next amazing success story.

Because I don’t want anyone to feel like I did…Ashamed of my own weight…

I know how humiliating it is for your partner to lose interest in you…

To look at other women instead of you…

So for the first time ever…You can turn your life around and be in control of your future…

Because today, we created something that unlocks the missing piece for losing weight so

SlimRadiance is the world’s first and only weight loss formula that targets the root cause
of stubborn belly fat – the blocked “Fat Fighter Hormone” in your body-  And activates your
body’s natural ability to burn fat automatically & ….

This fat-melting formula is created at an and GMP registered facility in the US
following the most sterile conditions…

Made specifically to get rid of all the nagging belly, arm, thigh and back fat…

And reveal your tight, toned & slim figure.

Be ready to look in the mirror and see a body you haven’t seen since your 20s…

A body that turns heads whenever you walk…

And makes all your family, friends and co-workers wonder how you’re losing inches off your
waist so …

SlimRadiance is the world’s first and only weight loss formula that targets the root cause
of stubborn belly fat – the blocked “Fat Fighter Hormone” in your body-  And activates your
body’s natural ability to burn fat automatically & ….

This fat-melting formula is created at an and GMP registered facility in the US
following the most sterile conditions…

Made specifically to get rid of all the nagging belly, arm, thigh and back fat…

And reveal your tight, toned & slim figure.

Be ready to look in the mirror and see a body you haven’t seen since your 20s…

A body that turns heads whenever you walk…

And makes all your family, friends and co-workers wonder how you’re losing inches off your
waist so …

It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed in the past to lose weight…

It doesn’t matter how old you are

It doesn’t matter if you want to drop 10, 30 or even 80 lbs of stubborn fat…

The SlimRadiance formula is for you…

Just a few days after you try SlimRadiance…

You won’t fear stepping on the scale again…

Because every week you’ll see the numbers going down instead of going up…

You’ll see the stubborn fat that clung to your belly, back, arms, thighs vanish as
days go by…

Your butt will look tighter…

The cellulite under your thighs, hips and butt will be replaced by smooth glowing skin… Just
like you had in your 20s

The once-dreaded double chin will be nothing but a distant memory, replaced by a sense of

And in just a few days after trying SlimRadiance…You’ll wake up and discover that the knee, hip
& back pain is gone…

All you need to do is take two capsules of SlimRadiance once a day…

You can take both of them as an appetizer before breakfast…

Or as a dessert after dinner…

It doesn’t matter as long as you take two per day….

And It won’t take long before…

Getting more attention from men that’ll go out of their way to do things for you, ask you for dates,
buy you coffee, hold open doors… Just like they used to do…

Get ready for your partner to become obsessed with you…

Making you shrink into his arms as he hugs and cuddles you

Unable to resist you or keep his eyes and hands off of you…

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it?

153,125 women all over the country used SlimRadiance to unblock the one thing preventing them from
losing weight… And finally got rid of belly fat …

While skyrocketing their energy and gaining control back over their lives in just short days…

I’m confident this miraculous weight loss formula will help you do the same….

By now I’m sure you’re probably wondering how you can get your hands on SlimRadiance today?

To be honest, it’s very difficult for the general public to get SlimRadiance

The special super nutrients inside must be cultivated in a sanitized, state-of-the-art facility…

Then kept fresh through a proprietary process.

Every batch is third party lab tested to ensure that everything is clean and pure.

And each serving comes in small, easy to swallow non-GMO capsules…

Shipped fast, right to your front door.

When Alexandra first formulated SlimRadiance on her own…

Buying all the fat dossolving super-nutrients from remote locations around the world…

Which is extremely fair…

Especially since it’s less than you’ll pay for doctor visits, strange diets, prescription medications or
dangerous weight loss surgeries…

SlimRadiance is the only solution that’s proven to unblock the “Fat Fighter Hormone” in your body to
get rid of excess weight and keep it off!

Plus, considering each capsule contains the purest and most bioavailable form of these ingredients in

In the exact dosages you need to unblock the “Fat Fighter Hormone” and start immediately losing

But despite all that… If you stick with me for the next short minutes…

I don’t want anyone to feel like I did…

Insecure and ashamed of my own body every time I looked in the mirror… Worrying if I’ll end up with
some disease that’ll cost me my life…

We want to help everyone take back control of their weight…

Feel comfortable inside their own body….Without depriving themselves of their favourite foods or
doing intense workouts…

Which means everyone deserves access to SlimRadiance

That’s why if you act right now, and make the life changing decision to join the
153,25 women who
are shrinking 4-8 dress sizes in just days…

Because that’s what it costs us to pay for the super ingredients and keep this website up and
running — and helping good people like you drop weight ..

Also thanks to our manufacturer Nutraville…

When we make more bottles at once, it costs less money to make each bottle.

Which means when you choose our most popular option “The 3 bottle option”.

To show you that we’re confident SlimRadiance will work for you to unblock the “Fat
Hormone” in your body and make you lose weight …

That means…If at any point in the next 12 months after using SlimRadiance you don’t lose

We will refund you every cent. No questions asked.

Simply email or call us and I’ll personally give you a full refund…

You don’t even have to send the bottle back!

I don’t know anyone else willing to make such a bold promise like that…

Because the truth is, if SlimRadiance doesn’t work for you, I don’t want to keep your money

But I’m willing to risk everything, because I know the life changing transformation that will occur
once you experience the weight loss powers of SlimRadiance

And when you choose the 3 or 6 bottles option…

Since we can ship all the bottles in one big enough package…

Forget bland diets that leave you feeling unsatisfied…

This delicious cookbook is filled with 8 yummy and easy to make recipes to stuff your
face and melt the weight.

Each recipe is made to help you shed those extra pounds without sacrificing taste.

Here are just a few examples of what you can expect inside…

Whipped Cream Sweet Pancakes that satisfy your sweet tooth without derailing your

Gooey cinnamon apple crisp with creamy vanilla ice cream that melts in your mouth and
gets rid of your cravings…

Garlic Butter Salmon that tantalizes your taste buds with succulent salmon infused with
buttery and garlicky flavors and keeps you full for hours…

But that’s not all…You’ll also discover 12 “Superfoods” that boost the “Fight Fighter
Hormone” inside your body and help you lose inches off your waist …

All while eating fries, cheesecakes, and spaghetti without feeling guilty…

You’ll get to tone your body and flatten your tummy with every bite…

No more boring diets or counting calories

Just simple & delicious “yummy foods” that slim you down one bite at a time…

But if that wasn’t enough, you’ll also get free access to bonus #2…

Bonus #2 will help you rewire your brain and subconscious mind to melt fat

Inside you’ll discover:

Yes you get all that absolutely free when you pick up the ultra savings 6 bottle bundle today!

As I said before, everyone deserves access to SlimRadiance…

That’s why if you act now, and make the life-changing decision to join the 152,123 women who are
losing inches off their waists and shrinking dress sizes in just short days…

All along with our 365-days 100% lose weight or don’t pay money back guarantee…

I urge you to take action now…

Because we can’t guarantee that SlimRadiance will be available for long…

That’s why if you decide to leave this page today without getting your hands on this fat-melting
miracle formula…

You may come back to find the price has gone up double or even triple…

And I don’t want you to pay more later…

I don’t want you to deprive yourself, eat boring salads instead of your favorite foods and never
see results…

I don’t want you to suffer for one day more than you have to..

Think about it…Right as you’re reading this page…Thousands of people across the country are
re-discovering what it is like to have a slim, tight figure…

Without going on extreme diets,
doing gruelling workouts or going under the knife…

And no wonder they keep asking us for more bottles for them and for their dear ones.

That’s why, while it is still available, I urge you not to wait if you’re still on the

Of course, we’re committed to supporting you in every way that we can, so we’re
going to let you
order a batch of 3 bottles or 6 bottles for a huge discount.

A button has appeared under this article…

All you have to do is click it…

That button is your way out…

Because the moment you click it, is the moment you choose to make that decision…

Hit that button and realize – that click is the only thing standing between you and burning the
stubborn fat around your belly, hips, arms and love handles…

Hit that button and realize – that click is the only thing standing between you and dropping 4 to 8
dress sizes and inches off your waist line so

Hit that button and realize – that click is the only thing standing between losing weight
while eating all your delicious foods…

Get Rid of The Stubborn Fat and Keep it Off For Good…

Just fill in your payment details…

Immediately after you fill in your information and confirm your order, your bottles of SlimRadiance
will be shipped the same day for free right to your doorstep.

If you order the 3 bottles or 6 bottles package – which we recommend as we estimate we’ll run out of
stocks anytime soon- you’ll also take advantage of a huge discount.

Just click below to select your package: Your order today is a one-time payment with no subscription or
hidden charges.

If you see SlimRadiance on any other site other than this one, know it is fake and you buy it at
your own risk.

So, make no mistake, this site you are on right now is your only chance to grab this miraculous
weight loss formula.

Once again, SlimRadiance is selling very fast, and once it will be sold out, it will take me around
5 to 7 months to restock on the super rare ingredients and produce another batch.

See, as soon as you order your package…

Whether it’s 1 bottle, 3 bottles, or the smartest option…6 bottles for the biggest discount…

Within 5 business days, the mailman will ring your doorbell and hand you your package of

Simply open the bottle and take two easy to swallow capsules once a day…And watch
your body
transform before your eyes.

Look at yourself in the mirror and discover that nagging fat surrounding your belly, arms and
hips starting to vanish…

Look at yourself in the mirror and discover that nagging fat surrounding your belly, arms and
hips starting to vanish…

Get ready to see family and friends beg you to reveal your secret behind losing weight so

And don’t be surprised when you get more compliments and attention from your partner or other

This is one of the easiest decisions of your life…

And remember, you have the rest of your life to try it out and see if it works for you and keep
the weight for good..

See…This isn’t really about the price of SlimRadiance — we both know money comes and money

You’ll spend it either way — the REAL question is…

What are you going to spend it on?

More things that never work to help you lose weight?

Or something that will unblock the “Fat Fighter Hormone” inside your body and help you shed
pounds of weight …

Look, this isn’t complicated…

Some of those things make our lives better in the short term…but not in the long term…

This is going to make your life that much better right away…

John Lennon once said…”life passes you by while you’re busy planning.”

Because now – you no longer have a problem…

Now, you have a solution…

But that solution comes with a choice

The choice is to either ignore everything I just told you and continue taking the hard path in

Living with this stubborn fat, going back to doing hours on the treadmill, feeling guilty when you
have something other than salad for dinner…

Feeling trapped inside a body you hate…Pretending that everything is alright, even though you’re
crying inside…

And wondering if your partner is thinking about some instagram model instead of

To unblock the “Fat Fighter Hormone” inside your body….

And get rid of the stubborn fat around your belly, hips, thighs and arms for GOOD!

Just imagine what you’ll look like a few weeks from now.

Staring into the mirror, with a smile so big because of how slim you look…

Your stomach and hips are so slender, you’re not sure it’s even you…

You look 10 years younger… Wrinkles that were once there seem to have magically disappeared…

And you feel good and proud of yourself… Before losing weight becomes impossible as
you get

So it’s clear you are serious about your health and your future and losing the excess flab
infesting your waistline…

But, I can’t make this decision for you…

All I can do is show you the way…

The choice is yours and only yours to make.

Because the decision you make right now

Is going to decide the rest of your life…

Because it’s a decision that has the power to give you the slim, tight and slender figure that
you’ve been dreaming about…

This very moment – was the moment that changed everything for you…

So right now is your chance to get your hands on SlimRadiance before we run out of stock…

A new slim body is waiting for you on the other side of that button.

And just so you know – you’re not risking anything here…

Because remember – if you’re not happy for any reason whatsoever… or no reason at all…

If I’m wrong, you’re out a few minutes of your time, and a quick email to cancel.

I’m not asking you to buy anything here…

All I’m asking you to do… is TRY

I’m not asking you to say yes…

I’m asking you to say MAYBE…

Just say MAYBE for 365- days… That’s a whole year to decide.

Use SlimRadiance to get rid of the nagging and stubborn fat and keep it off once and for all…

And if you don’t – then you don’t pay.

Everything I just told you probably goes against what you’ve heard from your friends, family, doctor and
mainstream media…

I can only ask you one question.

Listen, it’s up to you…

A month from today, you can be nothing more than 30 days older,

Or you can step on the scale and discover that you’ve lost 10,15, or even 60 lbs

Well I want you to ask yourself…

The one who continues seeing the numbers on the scale go up…

The one living in fear of serious disease that can take their life…Living with hip, back and knee

Or the one…Who’s in full control of their weight and health…

Do you want to put an end to the evil weight rollercoaster… or keep being the “fat” mom, following a
boring, useless diet, restricting yourself from eating your favorite foods…

Do you want the moment you wake up to be full of joy and happiness… or wonder if your partner is
still attracted to you…

And believe me – I know there are doubts.

There are doubts that come along with anything great you’ll ever do…

But at some point…The logic has to kick in…

Your weight could be decreasing….

All while your worries finally end.

You risk nothing here…And stand to gain everything…

So the real question is…

You’ve already tried everything to lose the stubborn fat that’s sticking to your waist like

Don’t make another mistake by not getting rid of it while you still have the chance.

Just think….This decision isn’t just a decision you’re making now….

You’re making this decision now…Not only for today, but for the rest of your life…

From now on….Every time you go to sleep…

You’ll think back to this page…

Will you find yourself filled with regret, because you passed up the opportunity to do something
while you still had time?

Or will you be enjoying the tight, slim, slender and beautiful body you always wanted
– all because
of the decision you made right now while you STILL have the chance?

If you don’t do it now – when it’s this easy…

When it’s clear to you what’s at stake…

And it’s fresh in your mind

Now is the time to do the right thing for you and your family…

Click the 6 bottle package of SlimRadiance below for the biggest savings and free shipping!

And let’s give YOU the body of your dreams…

Take your first steps towards ending all your weight problems…

Step into the new slim and fit body of yours…

Remember it’s completely risk-free

I’m not asking you to do anything…

I’m just asking you to try.

If you don’t see the belly fat melt in the next few weeks revealing your flat & toned stomach in the
next 365 days…

So where are those doubts coming from?

You’ve already seen how this has the power to change your entire life…

It’s time to get rid of the nagging fat and keep it off for good… All while enjoying your
delicious meals…

It’s time to prove everybody who has ever doubted you or made fun of you wrong!

Hit the button below right now…

And start enjoying looking in the mirror and feeling proud of yourself…

This is your future we’re talking about here…

This is your future we’re talking about here…

You’ve seen SlimRadiance work for me…

You’ve seen it work for others…

You know it will work for you…

The button you see below…

It’s not just a button…

it’s your escape plan…

It’s you – rewriting you story

Look, it’s not your fault you never knew about this truth…

But now that you know what to do about it…

It WILL be your fault if you don’t get yourself out…

Hit the button and make your friends jealous of your new hot body

Step into your new slim, sexy body, that has your partner all over you

Order the 6 bottle package below now, or whichever package suits you best.

…Something only a few people got access to…

Something you will have to see to believe…

And I’ll see you on the other side where I’ll show it to you…

I know we covered a lot of new information today…

So for the next few moments I’m going to address the most common questions about SlimRadiance

To help make the decision to stock up and save on our limited supply very easy…

Yes. SlimRadiance works by unblocking your ‘Fat Fighter Hormone” called GLP-1 and makes your body
tap into its 3 automatic weight loss mechanisms:

You’ll feel more full after eating all your favorite delicious meals
You’ll feel less hungry during the day and have reduced cravings…
Your body will start breaking the stubborn fat stored in the belly, hips, and arms for energy

Making you shrink dress sizes in just a few weeks, enjoy a slim & tight body and feel
in control of your weight again…

The next question I get is…

SlimRadiance is for anyone who tried everything and still finds it hard to lose weight…

It doesn’t matter how old you are,

It doesn’t matter if you have an extra 10, 30 or 80 lbs of extra fat..

And it doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed in the past to lose weight… SlimRadiance is for

This fat-melting formula has 4 natural and potent ingredients that help unlock your body’s 3 most
important mechanisms: making you feel more full, reducing your appetite and breaking down stubborn

…Skyrocketing your energy and making you lose weight in just a few weeks…

Just take two capsules of SlimRadiance 15-minutes before a meal…

And the ingredients will help you feel fuller after each meal during the day and prevent the food
you eat to be stored into stubborn fat

For that reason I recommend you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of SlimRadiance today.

This way you can keep a bottle at home, in your purse, your car, at your office desk and anywhere
else you think…

You may have the opportunity to eat a calorie-dense meal.

Your supply is backed with a 365-Day 100% money back guarantee…

Which means I personally promise less cravings, less hunger and more weight loss with every supply
of SlimRadiance…

And if for any reason that isn’t the experience…

Just email our friendly customer service team and we’ll promptly issue a full refund.

No questions asked. No hassles.

I’ve made this a 365-day guarantee so you can have a full year to try SlimRadiance out on us.

The next question I get is….

After completing your order…

We’ll ship your supply of SlimRadiance straight away so it arrives at your front door, usually
within 3-5 business days.

It’s easy… Look below…

Select how many bottles of SlimRadiance you’d like…

I recommend the 3 or 6 bottle option…

Then click the “Add to Cart” button.

After that, fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll rush ship your supply of SlimRadiance to your front door.

When your bottles arrive a few short days from now…

Take your two servings before your next meal, and you’ll be amazed by how quickly the pounds and
inches melt away…

And how you can eat your favorite foods without worrying about storing fat like before.

So go ahead and place your order now…

And experience that natural power of SlimRadiance starting today.

Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best.

1. “Symptoms of Fatty Liver and Dietary Strategies For Getting Rid ….” 29 Jul. 2019, – link
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2. “New data show non-alcoholic fatty liver disease will reach ….” 2 Apr. 2011, – link – Accessed 17
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14. “Healthy aging diets other than the Mediterranean … – NCBI – NIH.” 21 Jan. 2014, – link – Accessed
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15. “Goya ‘Bitter Melon’ — The Green Heart of Okinawa – Medium.” – link
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17. “Investigation of Biological Activities of Wild Bitter … – PubMed.” 30 May. 2019, – link –
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18. “Wild bitter gourd improves metabolic syndrome: A preliminary ….” 13 Jan. 2012, – link – Accessed
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19. “Drop in both insulin and leptin needed for fat … – UK.” 9 Jan. 2018, – link
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20. “NIH study shows how insulin stimulates fat cells to take in ….” 7 Sep. 2010, – link
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21. “Insulin and weight gain: Keep the pounds off – Mayo Clinic.” – link
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22. “Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Metabolic ….” – link – Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

23. “Momordica charantia Administration Improves Insulin ….” – link – Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

24. “Momordica charantia (bitter melon) inhibits primary human ….” 29 Jun. 2010, – link
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25. “Traditional Chinese Medicine in Treatment of Metabolic ….” – link – Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

26. “The efficacy of Phaseolus vulgaris as a weight-loss supplement.” 18 May. 2011, – link
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29. “Chromium picolinate supplementation attenuates … – PubMed.” – link – Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

30. “Efficacy of Berberine in Patients.” – link – Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

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33. “Berberine reduces the expression of adipogenic … – PubMed.” – link – Accessed 21 Dec. 2020.

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*In order to see real lasting results, I highly recommend you grab at least 2

Click here to get The SlimRadiance at discounted price while it’s still available…

All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors.

The SlimRadiance is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.

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